Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The End

I'm not gonna lie to you folks, I'm dying right now. As I was dueling with Leartes, things were looking good for me. I got a good three hits in on him and that's when everything came crumbling down. I looked over at my mother, she was dying on the floor. When she caught my eye I heard her say she had been poisened with the cup that was supposed to be for me. In that instant, I realized this whole thing had been set up to kill me. In a rage I pulled some crazy stunts off the balcony and down to the king where I pinned him to his chair with my sword and a chandelier to his chair. Once he was pinned I forced some of his own poisen down his throat, bringing him to his bitter end. Cool huh? I also realized after talking to Laertes that the sword he cut me with was poisened, and also when we switched swords I cut him with the poisened sword. So we were both poisend, and we were both inevitably gonna die. Sad story right? Pretty much everybody that means anything died in about 5 minutes. As I was dying I made sure everyone knew I was dying because I gave a speech with my last breaths and said I was dying about 4 times. But you guys should be happy because I found the strength to write this last blog. Well I'm gonna die now, goodbye.

The challenge

I was talking about my experience on the ship to England with Horatio. I was telling him all about how I found Claudius' letter to England to have me slane. I told him how I switched out that letter for a letter I created which told England to kill the people that delivered the letter, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. Sucks for them right? Anyway as I was telling him all this, Osric comes and tells me that I've been challenged in a fencing duel by Leartes. I thought long and hard about this. I knew that Leartes was better then me but I'd been practicing alot lately so I thought I could pull it off. So I accepted the challenge. Horatio tried to pursuay me not to but i'm feeling pretty confident about the whole. I guess we'll found out whether I made the right decision or not.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

she's dead...

I really can't believe it, my fair Ophelia is dead. I truely had no idea that was what I would find on my way back into Denmark. I came across some gravediggers on my way back to the castle and I struck up a conversation with him. I asked him who's grave it was, but he was the type that doesn't give you a straight answer, so I didn't know. He showed me a skull that once was the king's jester and a very good friend of mine. It hit me pretty hard staring into the empty skull that used to exert so much happiness and laughter. As I was having a deep conversation with the skull, I caught the funeral procession coming out of the corner of my eye. I watched from behind a tree as I discovered who the grave was for. It tore me apart, I couldn't keep myself hidden while this was going on, so I revealed myself. Her Brother, Leartes, was present and didn't take to me to well. He about killed me. It got pretty intense there for a while, but I ended up just walking away very upset.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

chillin with the pirates

Wow, let me tell you, I've never tasted better rum in my life. It's truly amazing. You know these pirate guys actually aren't that bad. We've gotten to know each other very well over my captivity. I still can't wait to get back to my crib in Denmark and finally set things straight. It is a moment I cannot help but to long for. I imagine I'll probably make that date soon because I can only take so much of the sailor life. I have a terrible farmer's tan and I've gotten sea sick about 121239 times. But I will try to be patient and wait for the moment. I wonder how it all will turn out.

Thursday, October 29, 2009


So I'm on my way to England, when some doggon Pirates attack my ship. It was pretty cool actually. We had some fun playing with our swords. But I decided to board their ship during the attack. I don't really know why I did, besides the fact that their ship was practically overflowing with rum. But I'm their prisoner now, I won't be for long. I sent some letters back to Denmark. In those letters I told the king that I'd be coming and that I wanted his pardon *cough*not*cough*. So I'm sure he'll just love to see me again. Meanwhile I'm just gonna chill on this here boat with the pirates, I have no idea how I have Wi-Fi out here.

I just killed somebody

I might not very smart to put this on my blog seeing that it's homicide and that's not always the smartest thing to broadcast to the world. But since I am the prince of Denmark, I can do stuff like that and get away with it, suckers! anyway, that punk Polonius was spying on me when I was having a delightful little talk with my mother. Things got a little heated and I believe he thought I was trying to kill her, so he screamed help from behind my curtain, bad idea. I stuck that joker like a pun cushion, not taking the time to ask who it was. Turns out it was Polonius, so yea, I pretty much did the world a favor, your welcome. After the king asked about the whole ordeal and I told him wassup. He asked me where his body is and I told him he could follow his nose to the foul, stinking, decaying body. That just really pissed him off. So off I go to england.

Monday, October 26, 2009

I could've killed him

I Could have ended it all today. I had a chance to take the kings life and get my revenge. But as I moved into position to kill him, something hit me. See, the king was praying to God and asking forgiveness while I was taking position to kill him. Oh I could've done the deed right then and there! But no, if the king was praying then God, being the merciful god he is, probably forgave him of his sins. Therefore, if I took his life then the piece of crap human being would go to heaven. I can't have that. Simple death is so much better then he deserves. I am going to wait until the moment when he is so deep in whatever sin he may decide to commit, that there is no chance of him going to heaven. I simply won't be able to truly feel good about myself and rest unless that SOB is burning in hell.

The play

Tonight, we had the big play. The play in which I hoped would strike a chord with Claudias' conscience and maybe get him to confess what he did to my dad. I wrote in a few lines of my own for the actors to act out. I had my good bud Horatio examine the king from a distance to see if he could read guilt on his face. And sure enough, he did. The king couldn't even stand to watch the play. He rose, and left before it was even over. It was truly great, me and Horatio were talking about it after the king left. I think I might have made a few people mad but who cares, the play had the desired effect and it was an overall mission accomplished.

Thursday, October 22, 2009


The big question for me today was should I live or should I die? It is something I've been contemplating for quite some time now. I mean it's nobler to just deal with my problems and live on. But then again, it would be so much easier to just put it all to an end by ending my life. But who knows what problems i might have after death? At least now I know what my problems are, but it could be worse if I take my life. Anyway, it's been a rather depressing day. Oh, let me tell you, right after I got done talking to myself, Ophelia comes to see me. She tries to hand me back the letters I wrote her, I was like no mam. I told that hoe wassup! She's crazy if she thinks she will ever get married. No sane male would ever go near her.

My crazy act

So now that I know, from my father's ghost, that he was murdered I decided to act like I'm now crazy in order to maybe get more evidence my uncle/dad is crooked. So far, I've had a rather delightful conversation with my uncle's best bud Polonius where I was able to work in some insults, that felt good. Later on, my buds Guildenstern and Rosencrantz came to see me. I knew they were sent by the king, why else would they come visit me randomly; I don't miss a beat. However, I did enjoy their company. I also got to see some good acting today. After the sample play they presented, I came up with a plan to make the king confess his foul deeds. We'll see how that turns out.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


So as you all know, I'm the son of the king that has been dead for not even two months. This event effected my life in a major way. A friend of mine recommended I start blogging my ever so interesting life so the world can know. So, starting now, you will hear blog after blog recording my day and you will enjoy it. Well that's all I have to say for now. I better go, I think I just heard a ghost.