Tuesday, November 3, 2009

she's dead...

I really can't believe it, my fair Ophelia is dead. I truely had no idea that was what I would find on my way back into Denmark. I came across some gravediggers on my way back to the castle and I struck up a conversation with him. I asked him who's grave it was, but he was the type that doesn't give you a straight answer, so I didn't know. He showed me a skull that once was the king's jester and a very good friend of mine. It hit me pretty hard staring into the empty skull that used to exert so much happiness and laughter. As I was having a deep conversation with the skull, I caught the funeral procession coming out of the corner of my eye. I watched from behind a tree as I discovered who the grave was for. It tore me apart, I couldn't keep myself hidden while this was going on, so I revealed myself. Her Brother, Leartes, was present and didn't take to me to well. He about killed me. It got pretty intense there for a while, but I ended up just walking away very upset.

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